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Susan Ayala
2/23/2021 In Gold Lacquer
Winter’s grasp has held tight to February with prodigious amounts of freezing rain and two ice storms. When not frozen, the grass is...
Kyo Nakatsukasa
2/23/2021 The last episode of 「Kirin ga Kuru 」 “Qilin is coming*”
(a holy mythological‐beast, Kirin) The airing of the “Taiga drama” (series of NHK history drama) 「Kirin ga Kuru 」“Qilin is coming*” (see...
Yasuko Kanafuji
2/20/2021 YouTube in the Nest (“stay-at-home”) with Movies and Music
“Alternation of three cold and four warm days(三寒四温)” Here in the western part of Tokyo, the temperature on warm days is higher than usual...
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